Sunday 13 January 2013

Single Women and Govt. Policies

Single Women and Govt. Policies

Who is Single Women:

"Widow, Separated, Divorced, Unmarried Mothers, Women whose husbands are missing."
According to 2002 census there are 4 crore single women in country. 

National Forum for Single Women's Right:

It is a collective of more than 50000 women across the country that organizes struggles and lobbies with govt for rights. Currently it is chaired by Mamata Sharma

Current status of single women in country:

Current status of single women is very horrible in country, there is no proper policies and schemes for single women. There are many rituals and customs associated with women. Like "Iddat" is a customary home confinement for divorced women in Muslim community. In Adivasi pratha of Jharkhand, widows are considered as witches and they are ostracized by community to curb her from clamming her property rights.

12th Five Year Plan and Single Women:

  • Separate quota for single women in Indira Awas Yojana and Rajiv Awas Yojana
  • Equal wage payment in MGNREGA through special job cards
  • Lower interest rates in credits
  • Awareness program for their rights in their maternal and matrimonial households
  • Special focus on older women: Their nutrition level and health. Awareness about the diseases like osteoporosis, breast cancer and cervical cancer.
  • Waiver of the income criteria for old age pension to women above the age of 75 in rural areas and urban slums
  • Vocational training for HIV affected women like training to conduct HIV awareness programs
  • ICDS scheme will integrate information on nutrition support to women and children on Anti Retroviral Treatment 
  • Promotion of saving facilities and secure transfer of cash for migrant women
  • Placement agencies, monitoring and accountability to prevent exploitation of migrants
  • Women in disturbed areas facing special issues including continuous Army presence suspended civil rights and lack of normal access to facilities/services will be provided special attention in areas like health care, schools and free legal aid.
  • Children of sex workers will be mainstreamed to prevent the second generation prostitution.


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