Sunday 6 January 2013

Facts Relating to European Seas

Facts Relating to European Seas

Caspian Sea: 

It is the world's largest latitudinal lake. Northern part of this lake is of fresh water and southern part is of saline water. Northern part is of fresh water because Volga river drains itself in caspian sea making a huge delta. The southern part is of saline water because it is near to tropic of cancer

Black sea:

Black sea is very important to study, because it is very important for trade between central Asia and Europe.
Azov sea is the extension of Black sea. Here is the strait known as Kerich, by the nae of Kerich peninsula in Ukraine. Black sea is also a fresh water lake because it is driven by 4 rivers: Danube, Don, Dneper, Dniester. 
Black sea goes to Mediterranean sea through strait of Dardanelles and Strait of Bosporous. Strait of Bosporous is between Black sea and Sea of Marmara. Strait of Dardanelles is between Aegean sea and Sea of Marmara. Now this Aegean sea meets the Mediterranean sea. The Sea of Marmara is also very important. It divides the Asian Turkey from European Turkey

Kiel Canal:

Kiel Canal joints the Baltic Sea and North Sea and makes the boundary between Denmark and Germany. Denmark is the part of Jutland Peninsula.

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