Wednesday 23 January 2013



Due to recent report of British Medical Journal "Lancet" on Global Disease Burden, this issue becomes important for examinations

What is Indoor Pollution

Indoor Pollution refers to Physical, Chemical and Biological characteristics of air in indoor environment within a home, building or an institution or Commercial facility.

Main Pollutant Solid Fuels in India

Wood, Dung, Farm Residue and Coal

Pollution Mix

Carbon Monoxide and Suspended Particles

According to WHO Report on "Global Burden of Disease", there are 4 million deaths every year due to indoor pollution

Most Vulnerable

Women and Children who stay at home

Resultant Problems

Serious Ailments including chronic obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  • South East Asia and Sub Saharan Africa are most affected
  • 74% Indians use these solid fuels


  • Cleaner Fuels like LPG, Kerosene and Biogas
  • Thermal Efficient Stoves
  • Provision of Better Ventilation
  • Most Important: Empowerment of Women 

Initiatives of Government:

  • National Program for Improved Chulhas launched in 1994. Under this program 15 million stoves were installed
  • National Biomass Cook Stove Initiative launched in 2009 by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. Under this program Research and Development  was taken up to prepare and action plan for deployment of Cook Stoves done.

But at the end of the day, much more remains to be done. Inefficient energy practices, which are but manifestations of energy poverty, are obstacles to development and progress. There is need for innovative policy approaches. More resources need to be earmarked to develop appropriate technology options on this front.


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