Tuesday 15 January 2013

De-notified Tribes of India and 12th FYP

De-notified Tribes of India and 12th FYP

Over 200 communities were identified by the British as "Criminal tribes" under the Criminal Tribes Act, 1871. The Act was annulled after independence and the communities identified under this legislation were referred to as de-notified, nomadic and semi nomadic tribes.

Current problems associated with De-notified tribes:

  • No authentic data and no available census
  • The are categorized differently in different states, like in OBC in some states or in SC/ST in some states
  • Some of them are not categorized in any category
  • Even if they are categorized in any category, they are not able to get benefits because of absence of cast certificates or because of quotas are exhausted by non-nomadic or non-denotified tribes

Provision in 12th Five Year Plan:

  • A nationwide survey of de-notified tribes' settlements is to be conducted to form the basis for introducing a suitable shelter program for them
  • Special and relevant support and facilities for them within the existing facilities for the ST/SC and OBC categories as applicable.
  • Capacity building programs for skill development and marketing and loans for economic empowerment.
  • Specific strategies and mechanisms to ensure flow of funds for the welfare and development of these tribes
  • A proportion of current outlay for Indira Awaas Yojana should be earmarked for these communities in addition to the aid to construct dwelling units by receiving priority under the ongoing housing programmes
  • Creation of a cluster development fund for assisting the de-notified tribes for construction of houses, for providing land to them and for creating infrastructure.
  • Skill development initiatives of the states and the central govt need to give priority to cover the unemployed youth among these tribes.

Source: The Hindu

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