Sunday 27 January 2013

Chhattisgarh Food Security Act: Ahead of Union Govt.

Chhattisgarh Food Security Act: Ahead of Union Govt.

The Raman Singh Govt has enacted the Chhattisgarh Food Security Act, 2012. It is a copy of Union Govt's "National Food Security Bill", which is under negotiations. Raman Singh govt. has done some intelligent amendments into the bill to make this copy ahead of the original union govt bill.
Now let see the comparison between these two.

Provisions of Original National Food Security Bill:

  • It is a comprehensive scheme which covers all related schemes like: Antodaya Anna Yojana, Mid Day Meal Scheme, ICDS Program, Swadhar Yojana, Sarva Siksha Abhiyan and Janani Suraksha Yojana
  • In this bill the food comprises: Wheat, Rice and Coarse Cereals. Which will be given at 7kg to per family member
  • Demarcation of population is not by BPL or APL, but by Socio Economic Cast Census, which will divide population into General Category, Priority Sector and Neutral.
  • Covers 75% households in rural area and 25% in urban area
  • Also has provisions to convert Wasteland into Cultivable land..

Provisions under Chhattisgarh Food Security Act, 2012:

  • This act divides populations under:  Antodaya households, Priority Households(BPL) and General households (APL)
  • This act does not prescribe any percentage limit of beneficiaries like that in National Food Security Bill
  • This act will provide 35 kg of food per month  
  • Rs. 1/kg to Antodaya households, Rs.2/kg to BPL, and Rs. 15/Kg to APL
  • 2kg of iodised salt will be provided free
  • 2kg pulses at Rs.10/kg will be provided in Non-Schedule Areas
  • 2kg Black Channa at Rs.5/kg in Scheduled Areas
  • State Govt has defined Antodaya as all families of vulnerable social group like: tribal, widows or single women, terminally ill person, physically challenged, elderly headed household with no assured means of subsistence and person freed from bonded labor.
  • Mandatory subsidized food grain for: Pregnant women, Lactating mothers, malnourished children, children between 6months to 14 years of age, student in hostels and ashrams
  • Entitlement on household basis with family size of 4.47 in rural area and 4.79 in urban areas
  • Excluded from benefits: 
  1. All who pay income tax
  2. Non-Schedule Areas: who own 4 hectare of irrigated land or 8 hectare of non-irrigated land
  3. Urban Areas: Who have pucca house (Concrete Roof) with more than 1000 sq. ft. carpet size and pay property tax   
A very good act 1 step forward with union govt.



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