Friday 25 January 2013

Highlights of Lancet Report

Highlights of Lancet Report

Lancet is word's best known, oldest and most respected medical journal. Lancet was founded in 1823 by Thomous Wakley, an English Surgeon, who named it after a surgical instrument Lancet , as well as after a term "Lancet Arch", a window with sharp pointed arch, to indicate the "light of wisdom" or "To let the light in".
Lancet recently launched its recent report on Global Burden of Diseases
lets see the highlights of this report. 

Highlights of Recent Lancet Report on Global Burden of Diseases:

  • Diseases in 1990: Childhood underweight, household pollution from solid fuels, tobacco smoking include passive smoking.
  • Diseases in 2010: High BP, Alcohol, Smoking, Second hand Smoking
  • High BP Accounts for 7% of global DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years)
(DALY: A measure of overall disease burden expressed as a number of years lost due to ill health, disability or  early death)
  • Dietary Risk Factors and Physical Inactivity collectively accounted for 10% of global DALY
  • Risky Diets: Those which are Low in Fruits and High in Sodium  
  • Unimproved Sanitation accounts for 0.9% of DALY
  • Diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa:  
         Childhood Underweight, Household Pollution, Non-Exclusive and 
         Discontinued Breastfeeding

  • Diseases in South Africa: 
          Household Pollution

  • Diseases in Eastern Europe and Latin America: 

  • Diseases in Asia, North Africa, Middle East and Central Europe :
          High BP

  • Diseases in North America and Western Europe: 
          Smoking and Second hand Smoking

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