Monday 14 January 2013

China's Alleged String of Pearls

China's Alleged String of Pearls

String of pearls is a concept according to which it is alleged that china is trying to put pressure on India by developing ports for Indian neighbors around Indian territorial water in Indian Ocean. Although China and other neighboring nations reject this theory.  Now lets see what are the pearls in this string:
  • Gwadar port in Pakistan in Arabian sea
  • Marao port in Maldives
  • Hambantota in Sri Lanka ( Here India wants land from Sri Lanka for building an automobile SEZ)
  • Chittagong port in Bangladesh
  • Sittwe in Myanmar 
The Sri Lankan President said recently in Galle summit between India, Sri Lanka and Maldives , that "Hambantota port is not part of String of Pearls. Sri Lankan govt. had long insisted that the port development project was first offered to India and when there was no reaction, they had approached to China.

In recent time Sri Lanka increased the import duty on Indian Automobiles, it put India's dream to build automobile SEZ in Hambantota, back side. 
China has already opposed the unilateral exploration in South China sea by India. Which is done by ONGC Videsh ltd, in Vietnam.
In previous articles i have already written in details who are the parties involved in South China sea dispute.

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