Thursday 10 January 2013



There is a direct relationship between water, sanitation and health. Unsafe drinking water, improper disposal of human excreta, improper environmental sanitation and lack of personal and food hygiene have been major causes of many diseases in developing countries.
Keeping this in view Govt. of India launched the Central Rural Sanitation Program (CRPS) in 1986, with the primary objective of improving the quality of life of rural people and also provide privacy and dignity to women.
The concept of sanitation was expanded to include personal hygiene, home sanitation, safe water, garbage disposal, excreta disposal and waste disposal. So the program was renamed as  "Total Sanitation Campaign (TSC)" 1999. The main focus was community driven and people centered approach. Awareness was created and incentives were given to BPL households for usage of Individual Household Latrines (IHHL). Also the assistance was provided for construction of school toilets, Anganwadi toilets and Community Sanitary Complexes.
To give boost to TSC govt. launched the Nirmal Gram Puraskar (NBP). Award were given to motivate the rural population to attain nirmal status.
With the success of NBP, the TSC was renamed "Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan". Criteria for the status of Nirmal Gram Panchayat was decided. Following are the criteria:
  • Sanitation in every school, Anganwadi and Govt. building.
  • Solid and Liquid waste management in every Gram Panchayat
  • Functional piped water supply in every Gram Panchayat
  • Capacity building of every stake holder like Panchayati Raj Institutions, Village Water and Sanitation Committees and Field Functionaries 
  • Convergence with MGNREGS

Strategies to Implement:

  • Community led and people centered approach
  • Emphasis on awareness and demand driven approach
  • Incentive approach
  • Use of more technological options to include more eco friendly sanitation
  • Involving many stake holders like: Panchayati Raj Inst., Co-operatives, Asha, Anganwadi Workers, Women Group, Self Help Groups, NGOs etc.
  • Engagement of Corporate Houses
  • More transparent system involving social audit and active people's participation.

So Rising Youth of India, it was the Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan. 
Can we achieve the Nirmal Bharat??????????????????????????

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