Friday 18 January 2013

Girl Child and 12th Five Year Plan

Girl Child and 12th Five Year Plan

The 12th Five Year Plan gives more attention to "Child Rights" with special focus of "Girl Child"
Here are some targets and schemes regarding Child Rights and Girl Child in 12th Five Year Plan
  • High level inter-ministerial committee will be set up on 'Care and Protection of Girl Child'
  • Target of making more than 80% Panchayats, Districts and Cities, Child friendly
  • Target of reducing girl child under-nutrition ( Percentage of under-weight prevalence in children 0-3 years)  by 50% and bringing down Anaemia in girls and women by half
  • Girl child specific district plan of action will be developed through decentralized planning process, involving Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) and partnership with civil society organizations
  • Rastriya Gaurav Gram Sabha Award will by given by PRI Ministry to the Panchayats for improving the Child Sex Ratio
  • Child friendly policies like: Development of comprehensive children's code, harmonizing and updating different legal provisions for children, Child sensitive and child friendly jurisprudence
  •  National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) will be the nodal agency to develop different models, undertake research to develop monitorable indicators of child participation and document best practices in child participation
  • The models will include Baal Sabhas and Baal Panchayats complementing child friendly Panchayats
  • Under the restructured "Integrated Child Development Scheme" (ICDS program) , the Anganwadi centers will be re-positioned as vibrant child friendly Centers ( Baal Vikas Kendra), owned by women community
  • Restructured ICDS will include new component of Child care and Nutrition counselling for mother of children under 3 years.
  • As State Child Rights Commissions have not been set up in all states, the NCPCR willl also consider setting up representative offices to cover all regions of country to ensure access to services to children and address cases of child rights violations
  • Setting up of "National Task Force on Childhood Disability" and "Childhood Disability Resource Centers"

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