Tuesday 22 January 2013

12th Five Year Plan for Indian Women

12th Five Year Plan for Indian Women

Status of women in India has changed significantly from equal status in Ancient time to low status in Medieval and to again reform movement in Modern India. In Modern India women has reached to many powerful offices like President of India, Prime Minister of India, Speaker of Loksabha and Leader of Opposition. But on the other side of the coin, Women in India continue to face discrimination, social challenges and often become victim of abuse and violent crimes. According to Study conducted by Thomson Reuters, India is the 4th dangerous Country in the world for Women
To address the problems of women, govt has given some more attention to women. Lets have an overview of some schemes for women in 12th Five Year Plan:
  • "Dowry Prohibition Officer" and "Protection Personnel for Domestic Violence" to ensure that women-centric legislations are implemented effectively.
  • Govt will encourage the Women empowerment messaging and advertisement by all types of media 
  • "Dowry Prohibition Officers" will be appointed under "Dowry Prohibition Act"
  • Under the "Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act (PWDVA)", the state govts are required to appoint "Protect Officers, Register, Service Providers and Notify Medical Facilities for Women in distress "
  • State govt will be encouraged to appoint personnel as needed and provide support for establishing Counselling Facilities or Family Counselling Centres as well as Capacity building of officials and Infrastructure  to protection Officers
  • Training and Capacity building  of Law enforcement agencies and Judiciary on issues concerning dowry deaths  
  • One Stop Crisis Centres for providing shelter, police desk , legal, medical and counselling services and Women's Helpline will be considered.
  • The provisions of Pre-Conception and Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques Act (PC-PNDT) Act must be reviwed to make sex selection practices effectively punishable
  • Registration/Regulation of Sonography Machines must be ensured, and it must be mandatory for all registered centres to maintain all records, charts, forms, reports and consent letter for period of two years or until permitted by concerned authority.
  • Sting operations will be part of strategy to catch the doctors/clinics indulging in illegal practices of sex determination and abortion of female foetus.
  •  Gender Resource Centres will be established by State Departments for Women and Child Development in disturbed areas in order to provide information and counseling for women, enable access to justice, benefit from all Central government schemes.
  • Sustainable Livelihood Opportunity, Increased and Equitable Access to Land, Common Property Resources, Improved Social and Physical Infrastructure, Greater Coverage of MGNREGA and NRLM and better credit opportunities for women in disturbed areas.

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