Wednesday 6 February 2013

Something About Southern U.S.

Something About Southern U.S.

Appalachian Mountains:

  • These mountains are in eastern part of U.S.
  • These mountains are famous for world's largest reserev of Bitruminus Coal
  • Tennessee River originates from here, which is famous for Oldest Multipurpose Hydro Power Project

Ozark Plateau:

  • This plateau is in the Southern Part of U.S.
  • This area is Intensive Cotton Growing Area of U.S.
  • Two very famous rivers Mississippi and Missouri originates from here
  • These two rivers are the only rivers in the world which provide "Bird Foot" delta, because of the deposition of sediments in the base of the mouth
  • New orieans is a place on the delta of Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, which become famous for BP oil crisis in 2012
  • New Oriens is also the place which is the most affected area by Hurricane
Florida State in south eastern part is also a highly affected area by Hurricanes and Tornado
Gulf of Mexico in south eastern part is a very good producer of Shrimps    

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