Friday 1 February 2013

Part-II-World Geography in Short

Part-II-World Geography in Short

In last article i covered Hot Wet Equatorial Climate, Monsoon, Savana and Hot Deserts (
Now in this article i will cover further climates

Mediterranean Climate (Warm Temperate)

  • Latitude: 30 to 45oc N and S on western Margins of Continents
  • Mean Temperature: 20-25oc
  • Average Rainfall: 20-30 inches
  • Vegetation: Short trees with small brad leaves, Mainly Xerophytic plants due to less rainfall, Oaks, Some Evergreen Coniferous plants in High latitudes,, Shrubs and Bushes, Laurels 
  • Crops:   Citrus Fruits like Orange, Lime lemons, Cereals and Wine Making, Various Types of Nuts, Grapes
  • Regions: Regions Bordering Mediterranean Sea, California, South Western Africa(Cape Town), South Western Australia

Temperate Climate (Steppe)

  • Latitude:  Remote Areas from Maritime away from tropics
  • Mean Temperature: 10 to 15oc
  • Average Rainfall: 10 to 20 inches
  • Vegetation: Treeless Grass
  • Crops: Wheat and Maize
  • Tribal: Kirghiz, Kazakhs and Kalmuk
  • Regions: Eurasia, Russian Plains, Hungary, North American Plans, Mongolia, Argentina, Uruguay, Grasslands of South Africa, Downs of Australia

China Type (Warm Temperate)

  • Latitude: 30 to 50 N and South on Eastern Coasts
  • Mean Temperature: 10-15oc
  • Average Rainfall: 25 to 60 inches
  • Vegetation: Evergreen, Deciduous and Coniferous in different latitudes
  • Crops: Rice, Corn,Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar Cane
  • Regions: Eastern China, South Eastern U.S.A, Paraguay-Uruguay Basin, Western South Africa, South Easter Australia, Northern NewZealand   

British Type (Cool Temperate)

  • Latitude: 40 to 60 N and S on western margins
  • Mean Temperature: 10oc
  • Average Rainfall: 20 to 40 inches
  • Vegetation: Deciduous, Hardwood, Temperate Eucalyptus and Conifers on different Latitude and Topography 
  • Crops: Wheat, Barley and Fruits like: Apples, Pears and Plums, Potatoes, Beet Sugar
  • Regions: North Western Europe, New Zealand, Chile, Tasmania, Rocky Mountains of U.S.A

Siberian Climate (Cool Temperate)

  • Latitude: 55 to 70 only in Northern Hemisphere
  • Mean Temperature: Most of the time below freezing point
  • Average Rainfall: 15 to 25 inches
  • Vegetation: Mostly Coniferous Evergreen 
  • Crops: No crops only lumbering is done on the name of economic activities
  • Regions: Most parts of Russia, Middle and Eastern Europe, Canada, Some parts of Alaska

Arctic or Polar Climate:

  • Latitude: Polar Region
  • Mean Temperature: most of the time below freezing level
  • Average Rainfall: Only snow fall, Some time rainfall with 10 inch yearly average
  • Vegetation: Tundra
  • Crops: No Crops
  • Tribal: Eskimos in Canada and Alaska
  • Regions: Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland, northern Russia, Antarctica

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