Monday 18 February 2013

Science of Indian Crops: Part-I

Science of Indian Crops: Part-I

Since few years UPSC is asking about conditions of growing and asking the name of crops. Now let see the science of crops:


Condition: High Heat and High Humidity
Temperature: 25 to 300C
Altitude: From sea level to 2500 meters
Annual rainfall: 150CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: deep fertile clayey or loamy
Areas: Delta Region, Ganga plains, river valleys, Coastal Region
Major Producing States: West Bengal, Punjab, UP, Andhra, Tamil Nadu

Wheat: (RABI)

Temperature: 10 to 150C (Winter), 21 to260C(Summers)
Condition: Cool Climate with Moderate Rainfall
Annual rainfall: 75CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Areas: Well drained areas,
Soil: Fertile friable loam
Major Producing States: UP, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh


Temperature: 20-300C
Condition: Warm Climate with moderate rainfall
Annual rainfall: 50-100CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: Well Drained alluvial or red loams free from coarse materials rich in nitrogen
Major Producing States: Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, UP


Temperature: 20-250C
Annual rainfall: 40-50CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: Loamy 
Major Producing States: Madhya Pradesh, UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharastra


Temperature: 21-300C 
Condition: High temperature with moderate rainfall
Annual rainfall: 50-100CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: Mostly Black Soil
Major Producing States: Maharastra, Gujrat, Andhra, Punjab, Haryana


Temperature: 25 to 350C 
Condition: Hot and Humid Climate
Annual rainfall: 100-150CM
Areas: Deltas
Soil: Light Sandy and Clayey Loams
Major Producing States: West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha, Meghalay

We will see further more crops in next article

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