Monday 4 February 2013

Something About Central Africa

Something About Central Africa

  • The very famous river in Central Africa is Congo River, which originates from Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Congo river is providing the largest amount of Pleasure Diamond 
  • Boyoma Falls is on Congo River in Democratic Republic of Congo, it is also known as Stanley Waterfall
  • Ubangi River, which is the tributary of Congo, provides the natural boundary between Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic

Kattanga Plateau:

  • This plateau  is Democratic Republic of Congo
  • This plateau  is rich in Copper, Manganese, and Silver
  • Here is one famous railway of Africa named Tanzara Railway from Kattanga plateau to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania
  • Another railway is Benguela railway from Kattanga plateau to Benguela in Angola

Bie Plateau: 

It is in Angola is famous for Centrifugal Drainage Pattern also known as Radial Drainage Pattern

Okvango Swamps:

It is in Botswana. It is the World's largest inland drainage pattern. It is also hub of largest number of Savana grassland animals.Two rivers drained here are Cuando and Cubango . This area is also home of Bushmen Tribes

Lake Chad:

It is very famous lake in Central Africa. It is shared by four countries: Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria. This lake is drained by Cheri River, which originates from Central African Rebulic.

Mount Cameroon in is the only active Volcano in Africa

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