Friday 8 February 2013

Recent Crisis in Africa

Recent Crisis in Africa

Democratic Republic of Cango:(Former Colony of Belgium) 

DRC is the third biggest country in Africa. This country has been in conflict since almost 2 decades.
  • Rebel Group: M23(Movement of March 23), Allegely backed by Uganda and Rawanda
  • Intention: M23, marks the rsurrection of prior militia, the National Congress for Defence of People(CNDP), which was integrated into the national armed forces in 2009. In April 2012, for CNDP members mutinied, accusing the national government of President Joseph Kablia rneging on previous agreements.
  • Peace keeping mission: Monusco (United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in DRC)

Mali:(Former Colony of France)

  • Rebel Group: Tuareg and Ansardine backed by Al-Queda
  • Intension: Demand for Saperate nation by the name "Azavo"
  • Peace kepping Mission: Afisma (African Led International Mission in Mali)

Central African Republic:(Former Colony of France)

  • Rebel Group: Seleka
  • Intention: They are charging that government of country which seized power in a coup in 2003, is not abiding by terms of peace deals signed between 2007 and 2011
  • Peace Keeping Mission: Fomac (The Multinational Force of Central Africa)

Southern Sudan:

South Sudan Declared Independent itself from Sudan in July 2011. After the independece, there is conflict between the two countries, over the Oil resources, which mostly kept by South Sudan. The U.N. Peace keeping mission UNMISS (U.N. Mission in South Sudan ), is working for peace here.


  • Rebel Group: Al-Shabab, Backed by Al-Qaueda
Somalia has been driven by civil war since the collapse of the dictatorship of Mohammed Slad Barre in 1991. In september 2012, a Monitored transitional goveremnedt Central Government headed by Mr. Mohamud, who was elected by a nominated Parliament.
Now Al-Shabab is almost defeated, and rebuilding process of Somalia has started.

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