Monday 18 February 2013

Science of Indian Crops: Part-I

Science of Indian Crops: Part-I

Since few years UPSC is asking about conditions of growing and asking the name of crops. Now let see the science of crops:


Condition: High Heat and High Humidity
Temperature: 25 to 300C
Altitude: From sea level to 2500 meters
Annual rainfall: 150CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: deep fertile clayey or loamy
Areas: Delta Region, Ganga plains, river valleys, Coastal Region
Major Producing States: West Bengal, Punjab, UP, Andhra, Tamil Nadu

Wheat: (RABI)

Temperature: 10 to 150C (Winter), 21 to260C(Summers)
Condition: Cool Climate with Moderate Rainfall
Annual rainfall: 75CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Areas: Well drained areas,
Soil: Fertile friable loam
Major Producing States: UP, Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh


Temperature: 20-300C
Condition: Warm Climate with moderate rainfall
Annual rainfall: 50-100CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: Well Drained alluvial or red loams free from coarse materials rich in nitrogen
Major Producing States: Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Rajasthan, UP


Temperature: 20-250C
Annual rainfall: 40-50CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: Loamy 
Major Producing States: Madhya Pradesh, UP, Rajasthan, Haryana, Maharastra


Temperature: 21-300C 
Condition: High temperature with moderate rainfall
Annual rainfall: 50-100CM, (if deficient rain, then irrigation can also  be useful)
Soil: Mostly Black Soil
Major Producing States: Maharastra, Gujrat, Andhra, Punjab, Haryana


Temperature: 25 to 350C 
Condition: Hot and Humid Climate
Annual rainfall: 100-150CM
Areas: Deltas
Soil: Light Sandy and Clayey Loams
Major Producing States: West Bengal, Bihar, Assam, Odisha, Meghalay

We will see further more crops in next article

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems

Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems


CCTNS is a Mission Mode Project under the National e-Governance Pan of Govt of India. CCTNS aims at creating a comprehensive and integrated system for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of policing through adopting of principle of e-Governance and creation of a nationwide networking infrastructure for evolution of IT-enabled-state-of-the-art tracking system around 'Investigation of crime and detection of criminals'. 

Objectives of 'CCTNS'

The objectives of the Scheme can broadly be listed as follows:
1. Make the Police functioning citizen friendly and more transparent by automating the functioning of Police Stations.
2. Improve delivery of citizen-centric services through effective usage of ICT.
3. Provide the Investigating Officers of the Civil Police with tools, technology and information to facilitate investigation of crime and detection of criminals.
4. Improve Police functioning in various other areas such as Law and Order, Traffic Management etc.
5. Facilitate Interaction and sharing of Information among Police Stations, Districts, State/UT headquarters and other Police Agencies.
6. Assist senior Police Officers in better management of Police Force
7. Keep track of the progress of Cases, including in Courts
8. Reduce manual and redundant Records keeping

Benefits to Law Enforcement Agencies:

  • Quick Retrieval of information for criminal investigation
  • Exchange of information between various police stations and higher offices through dedicated connectivity
  • Crime analytics and Business Intelligence
  • Reduction in Manual Record maintenance 

Future Benefits to Citizens

  • Facility to register complaints online and track their Status
  • Submission of requests for issuance of NOCs, Clearances and Permits
  • Enabling citizens to download forms and certificates
  • Missing/Found information for vehicles/Children/Property 

Monday 11 February 2013

Geo-strategic Position of Indian and Look South Policy

Geo-strategic Position of Indian and Look South Policy

India's position is on the head of Indian Ocean and a leader in Indian Ocean region. Indian Ocean is the busiest route in the world, extents from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean. When it comes to the security of security of this route, world look at India. Now let see what is the geo-strategic position of India
  • India is at the position, from where it provides the zone of conversion of West Asia, East Asia and Central Asia
  • Global politics is changing due to recession in the world and shifting towards the South-East Asia. And when it comes to engaging with South East Asia, India provides the most reliable source to be utilized
  • India provides the Largest potential market in terms of population
  • Due to U.S.A's pivot to Asia policy, U.S. wants to utilize India for negotiation with South East Asia. That is why U.S. is engaging India in Quadrilateral dialog between India, U.S., Japan, Australia.
  • Due to security threat in South China sea and Conflict with China, ASEAN countries are engaging more and more with India, due to cultural proximity with India and India provides a counter leadership against China.

India's Look South Policy:

  • India has always followed the brotherly relation policy with neighboring countries.
  • Before the disintegration of USSR, India's position was isolated one and India's foreign relations were based on certain types of ideology and support to various types of organisations.
  • After the disintegration of USSR, India's economy was liberalized and we started engaging with South East Asia and later with South Asia.
  • India had over reaching influence on the foreign policies of Nepal, Bhutan and Maldives, which during 2001 criticized by many nations like Shrilanka and Bangladesh
  • To correct this criticism India adopted the Look South policy in 2008.
  • The main aim of this policy is the peaceful relations.
  • India also wants to increase the trade ties with south Asia because of the increasing influence of China in Nepal, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Pakistan and Maldives. 
  • In 2011 and 12, India encouraged Pakistan also to increase economic ties
  • India wants good support of South Asian countries in organisations like IORARC, SAARC, RIMS,Commonwealth Nations, World Bank, IMF,WTO.

Saturday 9 February 2013

Interesting Facts about Cauvery River

Interesting Facts about Cauvery River

We all know about the facts relating to dispute of the Cauvery river. But UPSC is always one step ahead of our thinking, it will never ask about the dispute. So let see what are the other facts which are ignored and can be asked:
Cauvery River rises from Kurg Plateau in Karnataka and the source is Talla Cauvery

Cauvery Delta:

  • It is the only example of Quadrilateral Delta in the world
  • This delta is the home of many religious places like: Thanjavur, Tiruchchirappalli, Tiruvarur
  • Most famous is Thanjavur for Great Raj Raja Temple (Chola Temple )
  • Two very famous reservoirs on this delta are: Willingdon Reservoir and Kolli dam
  • Manimukta, Vellar, Gomukta and Kullar rivers drain themselves in delta part of Cauvery River

Some very Famous Reservoirs in cauvery river basin are: Krishnaraj Sagar(Karnataka), Bhavani Sagar(Tamil Nadu), Stanley Reservoir.
Charmaraj Sagar Reservoir is over Arkavati River, which is the tributary of Cauvery

Left Hand Tributaries of Cauvery:

  • Hemvati and Yagachi: They meet Cauvery at Krishnaraj Sagar Reservoir, which is very famous for hydro project and a tourism destination called Vrindavan Garden
  • Shimsha river, Arkavati River

Right Hand Tributaries:

  • Lakshman Tirtha: Meets at Krishnaraj Sagar
  • Kabbani, Svarnavati, Amravati and Noyil

 Panchaimalai Hills are between Cauvery and Kollar River

Friday 8 February 2013

Recent Crisis in Africa

Recent Crisis in Africa

Democratic Republic of Cango:(Former Colony of Belgium) 

DRC is the third biggest country in Africa. This country has been in conflict since almost 2 decades.
  • Rebel Group: M23(Movement of March 23), Allegely backed by Uganda and Rawanda
  • Intention: M23, marks the rsurrection of prior militia, the National Congress for Defence of People(CNDP), which was integrated into the national armed forces in 2009. In April 2012, for CNDP members mutinied, accusing the national government of President Joseph Kablia rneging on previous agreements.
  • Peace keeping mission: Monusco (United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in DRC)

Mali:(Former Colony of France)

  • Rebel Group: Tuareg and Ansardine backed by Al-Queda
  • Intension: Demand for Saperate nation by the name "Azavo"
  • Peace kepping Mission: Afisma (African Led International Mission in Mali)

Central African Republic:(Former Colony of France)

  • Rebel Group: Seleka
  • Intention: They are charging that government of country which seized power in a coup in 2003, is not abiding by terms of peace deals signed between 2007 and 2011
  • Peace Keeping Mission: Fomac (The Multinational Force of Central Africa)

Southern Sudan:

South Sudan Declared Independent itself from Sudan in July 2011. After the independece, there is conflict between the two countries, over the Oil resources, which mostly kept by South Sudan. The U.N. Peace keeping mission UNMISS (U.N. Mission in South Sudan ), is working for peace here.


  • Rebel Group: Al-Shabab, Backed by Al-Qaueda
Somalia has been driven by civil war since the collapse of the dictatorship of Mohammed Slad Barre in 1991. In september 2012, a Monitored transitional goveremnedt Central Government headed by Mr. Mohamud, who was elected by a nominated Parliament.
Now Al-Shabab is almost defeated, and rebuilding process of Somalia has started.

Thursday 7 February 2013

The Reality of Urban Migrants in India

The Reality of Urban Migrants in India

It is an irony of Indian Economy that thousands of rural poor have to leave their home and live on roads without shelters in the big cities. In India, daily thousands of migrants come to Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore and Punjab from U.P., Bihar, Jharkhand and North East, to search for job, because they do not have any livelihood in their respective rural areas. India's Population has increased from 286 million in 2001 to 377 million in 2011 and is expected to go up to 600 million by 2030.
UNESCO-UNICEF publication on internal migrants: "Internal Migration and Social Protection: The Missing Link." has analysed problems of urban migrants in India. Here are some problems of Urban Migrants in India

Problems of Urban Migrants in India:

  • In govt Slum Rehabilitation Schemes, a beneficiary is eligible only if he has Address proof of that city. So a migrant does not have the address proof, so he has to live without house, on the road.
  • To have a ration card, one must have to have an address proof, so the migrant also has to live without subsidized food
  • Seasonal Migrants who migrate when there is no crop season, this affects the education of their children, so it becomes sure that the next generation is also going to be a non skilled worker and a migrant
  • Migrants are vulnerable to occupation health hazards, and non-communicable diseases 
  • Migrants are not accepted by the city people and always seen as a criminal.
  • Low wages
  • No access to toilets, because there is lack of facility of toilets for the people who live without shelters
  • According to controversial criteria for BPL people given by Planning Commission, there are only 8% people are BPL in Delhi, But in reality there are 30% people are living in slums and 4% are living on the Road  
  • Similarly 53% people are living in slums and 8% on roads in Mumbai
  • Supreme Court has ordered of providing ration card to homeless people without address proof, but this has not been properly implemented yet 
Now we see, what can be the solution for the problems of urban migrants:

Possible Solutions:

  • Redefine the BPL Criteria and 50% weightage should be given to lack of basic amenities, schools and hygine
  • Ration cards to homeless people
  • More and more investment in Rural Areas, so these people need not migrate for livelihood
  • Reservation for migrants in Housing Schemes like JNURM  
  • Employment Schemes for urban areas like MGNREGS 

Wednesday 6 February 2013

Something About Southern U.S.

Something About Southern U.S.

Appalachian Mountains:

  • These mountains are in eastern part of U.S.
  • These mountains are famous for world's largest reserev of Bitruminus Coal
  • Tennessee River originates from here, which is famous for Oldest Multipurpose Hydro Power Project

Ozark Plateau:

  • This plateau is in the Southern Part of U.S.
  • This area is Intensive Cotton Growing Area of U.S.
  • Two very famous rivers Mississippi and Missouri originates from here
  • These two rivers are the only rivers in the world which provide "Bird Foot" delta, because of the deposition of sediments in the base of the mouth
  • New orieans is a place on the delta of Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, which become famous for BP oil crisis in 2012
  • New Oriens is also the place which is the most affected area by Hurricane
Florida State in south eastern part is also a highly affected area by Hurricanes and Tornado
Gulf of Mexico in south eastern part is a very good producer of Shrimps    

Monday 4 February 2013

Something About Central Africa

Something About Central Africa

  • The very famous river in Central Africa is Congo River, which originates from Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Congo river is providing the largest amount of Pleasure Diamond 
  • Boyoma Falls is on Congo River in Democratic Republic of Congo, it is also known as Stanley Waterfall
  • Ubangi River, which is the tributary of Congo, provides the natural boundary between Democratic Republic of Congo and Central African Republic

Kattanga Plateau:

  • This plateau  is Democratic Republic of Congo
  • This plateau  is rich in Copper, Manganese, and Silver
  • Here is one famous railway of Africa named Tanzara Railway from Kattanga plateau to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania
  • Another railway is Benguela railway from Kattanga plateau to Benguela in Angola

Bie Plateau: 

It is in Angola is famous for Centrifugal Drainage Pattern also known as Radial Drainage Pattern

Okvango Swamps:

It is in Botswana. It is the World's largest inland drainage pattern. It is also hub of largest number of Savana grassland animals.Two rivers drained here are Cuando and Cubango . This area is also home of Bushmen Tribes

Lake Chad:

It is very famous lake in Central Africa. It is shared by four countries: Chad, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria. This lake is drained by Cheri River, which originates from Central African Rebulic.

Mount Cameroon in is the only active Volcano in Africa

Saturday 2 February 2013

India-Russia: An Age Old Friendship

India-Russia: An Age Old Friendship


Diplomatic relationship between India and Russia are 65 years old since India's independence. Russia has been India's most valuable and trusted defense and economic partner. India and Russia moved to strategic level partnership in oct 2000. It has been stated by both the countries from time to time that deepening the friendship and cooperation is top priorities of their foreign policies. Russia has been supporting India's intentions for membership in UNSC and SCO.

Channels of Relationship:

  • Common Research and Development
  • Direct Contact between Business Communities
  • Cultural Ties
  • Humanitarian Ties
  • Science and Technological Ties
  • Defense and Military Support
  • Partnership in all Spheres

Joint Research and Development Projects:

  • Multirole Transportation Aircraft (T 50)
  • Brahmos Supersonic Missile 
  • T90 Bhishma Tank
  • Nuclear Submarine INS Arihant

Russian Support to India 

  • Sharing of Weapon Technology
  • Leasing out Nuclear Submarine INS Chakra
  • MIG and Sukhoi Aircrafts
  • Battle Tanks
  • And many more
  • Support in Kudankulam plant
  • Steel Industry in Bhilai
  • Many Navy Ships 

Potential Economic Areas

  • Steel Industry
  • Hydrocarbon Industry
  • Chemical Industry
  • Pharmaceuticals 
  • Car& Aircraft Manufacturing
  • Information Technology
  • Biotechnology

Disputed Issue between two Countries

  • India's Refusal to waive Civil Nuclear Liability for units III and IV of Kudankulam Nuclear Plant
  • India's Failure to Secure Russian Telecom Company Sistema's massive investment in Joint Venture Sistema Shyam Teleservice Ltd
  • Delay in Delivery of Aircraft Carrier INS Vikramaditya 
  • High Tax imposed on Imperial Energy , an Indian company operating in Russia

Recent Agreements during Putin's Visit to India

  • Two Satelite agreements with Glonass
  • Agreement on operating Ranging Station that will help accurately fixing the location of satelites
  • Direct trade in energy sector in both upstream and downstream
  • $2bn Kremlin backed investment fund
  • Pact of Russian Direct Investment Fund with State Bank of India
Russia is stressing hard in recent times for more friendly cooperation with India due to
  • Ukraine's increasing influence in weapon industry
  • Opening up of Russian economy, India becomes the most attractive destination for investment
  • U.S.A's pivot to Asia
  • Strategic power of India in Indian Ocean and South Asia
Russia is currently heading G20 and SCO, it increases the chances of India's getting membership of SCO

Friday 1 February 2013

Part-II-World Geography in Short

Part-II-World Geography in Short

In last article i covered Hot Wet Equatorial Climate, Monsoon, Savana and Hot Deserts (
Now in this article i will cover further climates

Mediterranean Climate (Warm Temperate)

  • Latitude: 30 to 45oc N and S on western Margins of Continents
  • Mean Temperature: 20-25oc
  • Average Rainfall: 20-30 inches
  • Vegetation: Short trees with small brad leaves, Mainly Xerophytic plants due to less rainfall, Oaks, Some Evergreen Coniferous plants in High latitudes,, Shrubs and Bushes, Laurels 
  • Crops:   Citrus Fruits like Orange, Lime lemons, Cereals and Wine Making, Various Types of Nuts, Grapes
  • Regions: Regions Bordering Mediterranean Sea, California, South Western Africa(Cape Town), South Western Australia

Temperate Climate (Steppe)

  • Latitude:  Remote Areas from Maritime away from tropics
  • Mean Temperature: 10 to 15oc
  • Average Rainfall: 10 to 20 inches
  • Vegetation: Treeless Grass
  • Crops: Wheat and Maize
  • Tribal: Kirghiz, Kazakhs and Kalmuk
  • Regions: Eurasia, Russian Plains, Hungary, North American Plans, Mongolia, Argentina, Uruguay, Grasslands of South Africa, Downs of Australia

China Type (Warm Temperate)

  • Latitude: 30 to 50 N and South on Eastern Coasts
  • Mean Temperature: 10-15oc
  • Average Rainfall: 25 to 60 inches
  • Vegetation: Evergreen, Deciduous and Coniferous in different latitudes
  • Crops: Rice, Corn,Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar Cane
  • Regions: Eastern China, South Eastern U.S.A, Paraguay-Uruguay Basin, Western South Africa, South Easter Australia, Northern NewZealand   

British Type (Cool Temperate)

  • Latitude: 40 to 60 N and S on western margins
  • Mean Temperature: 10oc
  • Average Rainfall: 20 to 40 inches
  • Vegetation: Deciduous, Hardwood, Temperate Eucalyptus and Conifers on different Latitude and Topography 
  • Crops: Wheat, Barley and Fruits like: Apples, Pears and Plums, Potatoes, Beet Sugar
  • Regions: North Western Europe, New Zealand, Chile, Tasmania, Rocky Mountains of U.S.A

Siberian Climate (Cool Temperate)

  • Latitude: 55 to 70 only in Northern Hemisphere
  • Mean Temperature: Most of the time below freezing point
  • Average Rainfall: 15 to 25 inches
  • Vegetation: Mostly Coniferous Evergreen 
  • Crops: No crops only lumbering is done on the name of economic activities
  • Regions: Most parts of Russia, Middle and Eastern Europe, Canada, Some parts of Alaska

Arctic or Polar Climate:

  • Latitude: Polar Region
  • Mean Temperature: most of the time below freezing level
  • Average Rainfall: Only snow fall, Some time rainfall with 10 inch yearly average
  • Vegetation: Tundra
  • Crops: No Crops
  • Tribal: Eskimos in Canada and Alaska
  • Regions: Alaska, Northern Canada, Greenland, northern Russia, Antarctica