Friday 10 April 2015

Something About Coal

Something About Coal

Coal is a conventional energy resource. It is the most mined mineral of the world. Coal is used in thermal power generation, which is the most used way of generating energy in India and China. Estimated reserve of Coal on the  is 860938 million tonnes. Largest reserves of Coal are found in U.S.A.(28%), Russia(18%), China(13%), Australia(9%) and India(7%). Coal is mostly found in the form of Lignite and Anthracite. Top Coal exporter countries are Australia and Indonesia. Japan is the largest importer of Coal.

Here are the continental distributions of Coal.


  • India: Singreni, Jharia, Bokaro, Damodar valley and Raniganj
  • Pakistan: Kalabagh, Quetta and Thar Coal Fields
  • China: Shanxi, Fushun, Inner Mongolia, Kansu
  • Japan: Ishikari and Chikugo


  • Ruhr valley and Silsia of Germany
  • Ural Mountains, Kuznetsk and Moscow-Tula Coal Field  of Russia
  •  Donetz Coal Field of Ukrain 

North America:

  • USA: Pennsylvania Anthracite Field, Appalachian Bituminous Field, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Lowa, Missourie, Oklahama, Texas, Alabama, Arkansan,Utah, Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, new Mexico
  • Canada: British Colombia , Nova Scotia


  • Zimbabwe: Wankie
  • Mozambique: Miniamba
  • Zaire: Luena
  • Nigeria: Enugu
  • Zambia: Nkandabwe, Mamba
  • Transval and Natal

South America:

  • Brazil: Santa Caterina, Rio Grande de Sul
  • Mexico: Pedras Nigras, Sabinaz and Lampazos
  • Chile: Concepcian
  • Columbia: Cauca Valley

Something About Indian Coal:

In India coal is the most important and highly used energy source. Estimated coal reserve in India is 293000 million tonne. Most of the coal in India is Lignite coal which is found in Rajasthan, Gujrat, Tamil Nadu, Jammu Kashmir, Kerala and Puducherry.
Gondwana Coal which belongs to Carboniferous period is found in Mahanadi, Damodar, Narmada and Godavari Valley. Gondwana Coal found in the states of A.P., Chattisgard, Jharkhand, M.P. Maharastra and Odisha. Major Coal fields are Singreni, Singrauli, Bokaro, Jharia, Raniganj, Chandrapur, Tatapani, Talcher, Korba, Sargujha and Wardha.
Very little tertiary coal found in Arunachal Pradesh, Gujrat, Assam, Meghalaya and Nagaland. 

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