Saturday 25 April 2015

Health Situation in India

Health Situation in India

Health Care Scenario in India

  • About 75% of health infrastructure is located in urban area where only 27% of population lives.
  • Life expectancy 63 years.
  • Infant mortality rate 54/1000 live births
  • Maternal mortality rate 254/100 000 live births
  • Lack of community ownership of public health programs impact level of efficiency, accountability and effectiveness.
  • Lack of integration of sanitation, hygiene, nutrition and drinking water issues.
  • There are striking regional inequalities.
  • Population stabilization is still a challenge
  • Only 10% of Indians have health insurance mostly inadequate.
  • Lack of capital investment in health for prolonged period of time.
  • Ensuring delivery of safe drugs is a major challenge.
  • Lack of human resources.

Sub centers:

  • The sub center is closest to the common man and becomes the first point of contact in the three tier system
  • One female health assistant/auxiliary nurse midwife(ANM) and one male health assistant manages one sub center

Primary Health Centers:

  • Each PHC is a hub for six sub – centers
  • A PHC typically has a four to six beds for addressing immediate and basic health care necessities.

Community Health Centers:

  • A CHC has one surgeon, one physician, one gynecologist, and one pediatrician along with 21 paramedical staff
  • CHC is a 30 bed facility.
  • One CHC for four PHC’s.

Friends any policy or program in India used to be based on five year plans made by planning commission (though planning commission is no more now). Health policies were too based on five year plans. 

Initially Government of India took recommendations of various committees to decide upon health policies. Health policies between 1st Five Year Plan to 5th Five Year Plan were based on the recommendations of Bhore Committee (1946) and Mudaliar Committee (1964). All India institute of medical science (AIIMS), Delhi was established in1956 as an institution of national importance by an act of parliament with the object of teaching in undergraduates and post graduates.

Government of India shifted its gear from 6th Five Year Plan. From 6th to 11th Five Year Plans, the main focus of government was to improve the availability of human resources, building rural infrastructure, increasing the availability of medicines and other health services.

National Health Policy 1983 to 2002:

This was India's first national health policy. The main objective of this policy was to achieve an acceptable health standard. It was recognized that main role have to be played by the central government because state governments lack the fiscal and other physical resources.

National Rural Health Mission 2005:

The main objective of this mission was to provide accessible, affordable and quality health care services in rural areas. Main features of this mission are:
  • Involvement of communities in planning and monitoring
  • Provision of untied grants to healthcare facilities and the communities annually
  • Placing a trained female activist in each village for 1000 population known as ACCREDITED SOCIAL
  • HEALTH ACTIVIST (ASHA) to act as a link between the public health system and the community and
  • bottom up planning

Janani Suraksha Yojana:

In this scheme conditional cash was provided for institutional delivery (means delivery in hospital). Amount was 1400 in rural area and 1000 in urban area. Incentives were also given to ASHA for promoting safe delivery and providing access to institutional facilities.

Janani Shishu Suraksha Karykram:

Pregnant women delivering in institutional facility will be given all services free of cost including surgery, medicine, food and transportation.

Mother and Child Tracking System:

This scheme is for reducing the IMR and MMR (we hope you know these terms. if you don't please search google) and to track sex ratio and also to track the efficiency and effectiveness of health services. In this scheme every mother has to register herself at Primary health center or Community Health Center. Mothers will be provided information regarding vaccination and nutritions through SMS.

Universal Immunisation Program:

In this scheme vaccine is given to infants against six diseases: tuberculosis, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, and measles.

Government also operationalised 24*7 working Primary Health Services.

There is a Program called Village Health and Sanitation Committee, which will comprise Panchayat members, Civil Society representatives, Anganwadi workers and Auxiliary Nurse and Midwives. This committee will prepare health plan for village and the funds will be provided under NRHM.


This mission focuses on the health needs of urban poor, particularly the slum dwellers by making available essential primary health care services.

Pradhanmantri Swasthya Suraksha Yojana(2006):

This program was launched fulfill the gaps in availability of tertiary health services. This program aims to set up 8 AIIMS like institutions in country.

12th Five Year Plan:

Provisions for health in 12th five year plan are:
  • Equitable access to affordable, accountable, appropriate  
  • Increased government expenditure on health from 1.2 % of GDP to at least 2.5 % by the end of 12th plan and to at least 3% by 2022.
  • Availability of free essential medicines.
  • Use general taxation as the principal source of funding health care.
  • Three year bachelor’s degree for rural health.
  • Setting up of 187 new medical colleges and 382 new nursing schools over the next 10 years in Undeserved Districts
  • Regulation of public and private sectors to ensure provision of assured quality and rational pricing of
  • Health care system.
  • Reducing IMR/MMR.
  • Access to public health services for every citizen.
  • Prevent and control communicable and non- communicable diseases.
  • Improving child sex ratio for 0-6 years.
  • Control population as well as ensure gender and demographic balance.
  • Encourage a healthy lifestyle and alternative system of medicine.
  • Clean drinking water, sanitation, and better nutrition and childcare
  • Improve quality of NRHM services vs. quantity of NRHM infrastructure.
  • Health insurance cover should be expanded to all disadvantaged groups.
  • Focus on women and children, ICDS needs to be revamped.

We are the one of the youngest nations of the world. This young generation can become an economic asset only when it is healthy otherwise it will become an economic burden, Please be healthy and keep your environment healthy, so that you will be able to contribute in social, economic and political development of nation. 

Jai Hind
Jai Bharat.

For any suggestion or demand please contact us at or you can contact our admin directly at 

sources: Wiki, WHO,,

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