Monday 18 March 2013

Scheduled Caste and Govt. Schemes

Scheduled Caste and Govt. Schemes

  • Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment is the nodal authority 
  • Present population of scheduled caste in the country is 16.2%

National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation(NSCFDC)

  • Under the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment. 
  • Provides the credit facilities to person of SC living below double the poverty lines limits.
  • Provides 40000 per year for rural and 55000 per year for urban for income generation activitia

National Commission for Scheduled Castes

  • It is a constitutional body under article 338
  • Monitors the safeguard and review issue concerning welfare
  • It has the power of Civil Court

Protection of Civil Rights Act 1955

  • This act is made under the article 17 of constitution and provides punishment for practice of untouchability

Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes(Prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989

  • Prevents the commission of offence by a person other than SC&ST against SC&ST
  • Acts extends to whole of India except J&K

Educational Development

  • Post Matric Scholarship
  • Pre- Matric Scholarship for Children engaged in unclean Occupation
  • Under Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship Scheme, which was launched under 11th Five Year Plan, Scholarship is Provided for Higher Educations like Mphil, Phd and research degree. This scheme is implemented by UGC
  • Reservation
  • Free Coaching for competitive exams
  • Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana

National Overseas Scholarship Scheme

  • Assistance in Institution fee, Monthly Maintenance allowance, Incidental journey premium, annual Contingency allowance
  • For only one child of same parents. 
  • For under 35 years of age
  • Only for master degree and Phd in Engineering, Technology and Science

Special Central Assistance to Scheduled Caste sub Plan:

  • Central Govt gives the assistance to Sub plan for SC by State govt.
  • For Economic Development of SC BPL people
  • 50% of assistance for subsidy (10000per beneficiary)
  • 10% for infrastructure development of village having 50% SC population
  • 15% of assistance for SC Women

Scheduled Caste Development Corporation:

  • Identifying Eligible SC Family
  • Motivating them to incorporate economic development scheme
  • Sponsoring Scheme to financial institutions for credit support
  • Providing financial support in form of Marginal money at low interest rate
  • Subsidy to reduce repayment liabilities 
  • Providing necessary tie ups with Poverty alleviation programs

Other Schemes:

  • National Scheduled caste finance and Development Corporation
  • Self Employment Scheme of Rehabilitation of Manual Scavenging
  • Voluntary Organisations 
  • National Safai Karmachari Finance and Development Corporation
  • Dr. Ambedkar Foundation  

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