Monday 18 March 2013

Judicial Arrangements in India

Judicial Arrangements in India

National Judicial Academy:

  • Registered in 1993 under Societies Registration Act 1860
  • Provides training to Judicial Officers
  • Academy is located at Bhopal with registered office at Delhi

Arrangement for free legal aid to Poor:

1)National Legal Service Authority (NALSA)

  • Constituted under Legal Service Authorities Act 1987
  • Provides Free Legal Aid to eligible person
  • Organises Lok Adalats for amicable settlement of disputes
  • Eligible Person: Women, Children, SC,ST, Industrial Workmen, Victims of disaster and violence, Disabled Person, Person in Custody, Victims of Trafficking

2)Lok Adalats:

  • Statutory Status under Section 19 of Legal Service Authorities Act 1987
  • Handles only Civil Cases
  • Its decisions are final and binding and person can not appeal against the decision of Lok Adalat
  • Permanent Lok Adalats are available specially for the cases related to Public Utility Services

Bar Council of India:

  • Under  Advocates Act 1961

Law commission of India:

  • It is a non statutory body constituted time to time in every 3 years
  • Current Chairman is  D.K. Jain

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