Sunday 30 December 2012



Hello friends, now a days everyone is talking about "climate change", "global warming" ,earth summit and all that. But very few people have remedy for the global warming and climate change. A very good but controversial concept is in the news called "GEOENGINEERING". 
Geoengineering is a deliberated large scale intervention in earth's climate system, in order to moderate global warming. Geoengineering is of two types

  • Carbon Di Oxide Removal Technique: Like fertilising the oceans to promote the growth of algae that soak up carbon from the air.

  • Solar Radiation Technuque: Like adding sun reflecting chemicals to upper atmosphere to mimic the effect of big volcanic eruptions that mask the sun.
But there is a problem that, this technique is not accepted by the world community.  An intergovernmental panel on  climate change concluded in 2007, that geoengineering options remained largely unapproved.
It is currently only known method for reducing earth's temperature in short time.

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