Friday 14 December 2012

Direct Cash Transfer by Govt. of India: Pathetic Move

Direct Cash Transfer by Govt. of India: Pathetic Move

Govt. of  India is going to launch direct cash transfer in the bank accounts of beneficiary which is linked to his adhaar identity card, instead of going through subsidy rout. Now i will call it the utter nonsense move in the history of India since independence.
Now i tell u the disadvantages of these schemes;

Disadvantages of Adhaar Card:

  • It is the identification of resident not the citizen
  • Any one can come from the porous international boundaries of India, avail the illegal address proof and a bank account and can have an Adhaar Card. (Aam Admi ka Adhikar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
  • The great Adhaar Card (Aam Admi ka Adhikar !!!!!!!!!!!) can not identify a person whether he/she a BPL or APL person to avail the facility of cash transfer.
  • Any one can avail more than one adhaar card by having different name, address and bank account. when he goes to bank to have his direct cash transferred by govt. The bank doesn't mechanism to conduct his biometric test. So a single person can have lot of money from different types of bank by different names.

Disadvantages of Cash transfer:

  • It promotes the Inflation due to multiplier effect. Suppose a person get cash from govt. He/she saves a part of money and spends remaining money on different things(Not necessary on the intended purpose of govt.). This creates the income for another person. The next person save a part of money and spends remaining money on different thing. This cycle goes on and creates income for lot of people, thus creates a situation for more demand, ultimately increase in "INFLATION"
  • The major disadvantage of cash transfer is that it is not necessary that transferred money will be spent for the right purpose as intended by govt.
  • Every govt or leader is known to people for his/its policies, like MGNREGS. If there is direct cash transferred, so there will be a little scope for policy initiatives. So ultimately cut the link between politicians and "AAM AADMI" 

Food Coupons VS Cash Transfer:

  • The simple logic is that it doesn't create "INFLATION"
  • It creates income for farmers due to MSP scheme of govt for subsidiesed  food.
  • It creates employment for vendors
Now the biggest nonsense is that the govt is justifying its policy by giving the example of Brazil where the cash transfer is successful. Now i tell u the difference between the conditions of Brazil and India. First is the population, now i don't think it is to be explained. The second difference is that the people in Brazil in BPL may be below 10%, and in India more than 40%. See the implementation cost. Now in Brazil, the govt. has specified certain conditions for cash transfer, like they are providing the cash in the bank account of house wives, in India housewives don't even have the right to have email account, how the will dare to have bank account, and Indian govt, will have to face arm insergency from the males if it provides cash to housewives.
The other condition is that they have specified certain nutrition level for children of the family if they want the cash benefits. In India, the poor family does't even now the meaning of nutrition, how they are going to maintain the nutrition level of their children. The other condition in Brazil is that, to have cash benefit, your child must go to school. In India, children are so brilliant that they don't even need the education.
So my point is just that if you copying Brazil, first become Brazil!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So dear rising youth of India, just try to understand what is right and what is wrong.

Jai Hind. Jai Bharat

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