World Geography in Short
Hot Wet Equatorial Climate:
- Latitude: 5o to 10o north and south
- Mean temprature: 27oc
- Average Rainfall: 100 inches
- Vegitation: Tropical Rain Forest
- Crops: Rubber, Cocoa, Oil palm, Coconut, Sugar, Coffee Tea, Tobacco, Bananas
- Tribals: Orang Asli of Malasiya, Pygmies or Congo Basin
- Regions: Malasiya, Northern Andes, Kenya
Tropical Mansoon and Tropical Marine Climate:
- Latitude: Not Fixed
- Mean Temprature: 25-35oc
- Average Rainfall: Varies between 20 to 400 inches in different latitudes and also depend on topography
- Vegitation: Mostly Deciduos type Tropical Monsoon Forests
- Crop: Padi, Maize, Wheat, Millet, Gram and Beans, Sugar Cane, Jute,Cotton, Spices and Bananas
- Regions: Indian Subcontinent, Northern Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia
Savanna or Sudan Climate:
- Latitude: Confined between the two tropics, between equatorial forest and hot desert
- Temperature: 21 to 32oc High duranal Range
- Average Rainfall: 20 to 50 inches
- Vegitation: Tall Grass and Short Trees(deciduos), Thorny Scrub
- Crops: Maize, Milet, Corn, Groundnuts, Bananas and Beans, Cotton and Tobacco
- Tribals: Masai of Kenya and Tanzania, Hausa of Nigeria
- Regions: West Africa(some parts), East Africa (some parts), Some Parts of Brazil and Northern Australia
Hot Dessert:
- Latitude:15 to 30oc N and S and Western Part of the Continents (Exception are Gobi and Turkestan Desert)
- Temperature: 30 to 50oc
- Average Rainfall: 0 to 10 inches
- Vegitation: Grass, Scrub, Herbs, Weeds Roots or Bulbs (Xerophytic or Drough Resistant scrubs)
- Crops: Wheat, Cotton and Maize only near any river basin like Nile
- Tribals: Bushmen of Kalahari and Bindibu of Australiya
- Regions: Great Australian Desert, Arabian Desert, Mexcan Desert, Kalahari Desert, Namib Desert, Thar Desert, Iranian Desert
In Next article other Climate (Mediterranean, Temperate, Siberian, Tundra and Polar) will be covered